Today I got to try out my new 50mm 1.4 lens that I just got on Friday. All I have to say is, I LOVE IT! What a difference it makes to be able to open up the apperature and get a more narrow depth of field shot. I makes the picture so much more interesting. Its also great for getting shots in lower light situations. My subject for today was this great bus. It belongs to Jim Unopulos and is slated to be featured in the March SCAC newsletter. It's a 1957 and is appropiately named 'WEASEL'. He plans to paint the outside, but if it were me, I would leave it just the way it is. It has so much texture and character. I had a lot of fun shooting this bus. Here are some of my favs from the shoot. P.S. My favorite thing about this bus is the CRAZY! green rat head that heads the bus.

These are stunning! You composition rocks. And the colors are so snappy! Awesome work!
Great colors!
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