Tragedy strikes and the world loses one of the good ones. Michael died from extreme alcohol poisoning at Utah State University where he was student. Police are looking into it as a fraternity initiation incident and may bring charges since Mike was only 18. Let me say that Chris and I were extremely fortunate to have been a part of this young man's life for the short time that we were. Michael joined our volkswagen club and would frequent our house to get mechanic advice and help from Chris or to just hang out and talk for while. He was genuinely one of the sweetest young guys we knew and we believed that he would grow up to be an amazing adult man. He attended Judge Memorial Catholic High School where he took yoga classes and made films. He was smart and funny and he wanted to be fire fighter. We are truly going to miss this guy and our hearts go out to his family.

Jessica said...
I heard about this Saturday & am disgusted, mad & sad about this tradjedy!
I was a Chi Omega at USU and lived in the house which is right inbetween the Sigma Nu & Sigma Chi house.
They are really secretive during this time, and the Sigma Chi's go as far as blacking out all their windows. I also know that they drink a lot during this time!!
It will be interesting to see what happens to them .
I wouldn't be surprised if nationals pull thei chapter. WHich would shut down that fraternity at USU.
Sounds like a great young man.
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