Sunday, March 18, 2007
This lovely Volkswagen Notchback belongs to Gene Russon and is going to be featured in the April issue of the Salt City Air Coolers (SCAC) newsletter.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Friday, March 9, 2007
Okay, so I guess I am really into the color blue of late. This is a pic of some icicles sliding/hanging off my carport. It was about 6:00pm in the evening and I was trying to capture the evening light with the ice, however, it gravitated toward more of an abstract type pic when I was playing with it in photoshop. At first I wasn't sure that it was all that interesting, but it grows on me the more I look at it. Maybe its because its blue.

Sunday, March 4, 2007
Today I helped my good friend and co-worker, Lisa, take pics of the jewelry she has made so that she can post them on ebay to sell. I just thought I would post this pic from the bunch. I like it because of the blue hue. It makes me feel like I should be wearing a heavy coat. I think of ice and cold when I look at it. I had no idea she had such talent. I am definitely buying a piece from her.

Saturday, March 3, 2007
Morgan and Sydney
I was looking through all of my pics to see what I could clean off my computer and I came across these. They were taken on Christmas Day. Every time I see these, I laugh out loud! They have me in stitches so I just had so share so that maybe they can make someone else laugh too. These adorable girls are my husband's second cousins (the two are sisters). The younger one is Morgan and the older is Sydney. We brought all the kids these antler headbands that Old Navy was giving out for free. Poor Morgan got the one that broke, but it sure as hell makes for a funny pic, eeh? Oh my lord, I cant stop laughing!
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